The International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference
(IPCCC) is the premier IEEE conference presenting research in the
performance of computer and communication systems. For the last two
decades, IPCCC has been a research forum for academic, industrial, and
government researchers. The lively interactions among the researchers
from these emerging new fields provide a stimulating environment rich with
new ideas.
The conference will be held at Embassy Suites Phoenix North, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
Hotel information can be found here.
IPCCC 2005 Program:
The technical program schedule can be found here.
The program can also be found in PDF format
Webpages from previous conferences:
IPCCC 1998
IPCCC 1999
IPCCC 2000
IPCCC 2001
IPCCC 2002
IPCCC 2003
IPCCC 2004