April 4-6, 2001
Embassy Suites Phoenix North, Phoenix, Arizona

International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC) is the premier IEEE conference presenting research in the performance of computer and communication systems. For the last two decades, IPCCC has been a research forum for academic, industrial, and government researchers. The lively interactions among the researchers from these merging fields provide a stimulating environment rich with new ideas. 

Pervasive Computing has been chosen as the underlying theme for the 2001 conference topics in expectation of explosive growth in mobile and nomadic computing for secure access to information and services. We encourage submission of high quality papers reporting original work in both theoretical and experimental research that addresses the recent advances in algorithms, architectures, protocols, network infrastructure, embedded systems and wireless computing in support of the emerging world of billions of people interacting with trillions of devices.

The conference is planning a trip to the Grand Canyon for conference participants.

Co-General Chair 
Nasr Ullah
Motorola Inc.
Austin, Texas

Co-General Chair
Horst D. Clausen
Institute for Computing Sciences
Univ. of Salzburg

Co-Vice Chair 
Sumi Helal, CISE Department
University of Florida

Co-Vice Chair 
Mathew A. Diethelm
Computer and Comm. Consulting
Phoenix, Arizona

Program Chair
Nadeem Malik
IBM Corporation
Mail Stop: 9224
11400 Burnet Road
Austin, Texas 78758
Tel: (512) 838 5106
Fax: (512) 823 9478

Publications Chair
Professor Guoliang Xue
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT 05405
Tel: (802) 656-8688

For a complete list of the 
Executive Committee, please 
visit the conference web site:

 Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: 
Mobile and Networked Applications
  • Wireless Internet Connectivity
  • Wearable Computers and other Pervasive Devices
  • Voice and Video Conferencing over IP
  • Evaluation of WAP, UpnP, Bluetooth, etc. 
  • Automatic service Discovery and Configuration
  • Security, Availability and System Management
  • Language and Middleware Support Issues
Embedded System Design and Integration
  • Real-Time Operating Systems and Applications
  • Performance impact from Power Management
  • Middleware such as Real-Time CORBA, DCOM, etc.
  • Benchmarks and Evaluation Metrics
  • Tools and Simulation Technologies for Integrating Performance Analysis into Systems Design
  • Design and Analysis of Hard Real-Time Systems
  • Systems on a Chip
Network Protocols and Performance
  • Protocol Performance
  • Optical Networks
  • Multimedia Protocols
  • Multicast Routing Protocols High-Performance Switching Fabrics
Distributed Computing
  • Synchronization/Coherency
  • Network Operating Systems
  • Distributed Databases
  • Distributed Simulation and Collaborative Computing
  • Remote Data Access and Synchronization 
Performance Evaluation Methodologies
  • Workload Characterization
  • Trace Driven Simulation
  • Hardware/Software Co-Simulation
  • System Design Tools
  • Measurements in High Speed Systems
High Performance Computing
  • System Architectures
  • Memory Hierarchies
  • High-Performance I/O
  • Interconnection Networks
  • Optical Interconnections
  • Power Management Issues


Submission Procedures

Submitted manuscripts must have at least 11-point font size, no more than 4 lines per inch, and no more than 5000 words or 12 pages, including the abstract, figures, and references. Authors should obtain company and government clearances prior to submission of papers. Papers should be submitted online. Online submission directions will be available at . If online submission of your paper is not possible, please contact the Program Chair.

All papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee. They will be judged with respect to their quality, originality, and relevance. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, conditional upon the author's advance registration. Awards will be given for the best paper.


Proposals for half-day or full-day tutorials related to the conference topics are invited. See the IPCCC web site at for tutorial guidelines and information.

Panel Sessions

We also solicit proposals for special topics and panel sessions. Please contact the Program Chair for proposal guidelines.

Industrial Tracks

Special topic tracks are also invited from industry to provide a perspective on the practice of computing and communications technology. Please contact the Program Chair for proposal guidelines.

Authors Schedule 

Submission of Papers: November 15, 2000**
Notification of Acceptance: Jan 26, 2001
Final Camera-ready: Paper Feb 22, 2001
**Authors requiring an extension must send a 1-page abstract with complete title, author names and
affiliations and the extension time by e-mail or fax to the Program Chair. The Program Chair will confirm
the extension, if possible.